Rome, 9-11-2017: The current regulations provide other hiring incentives beyond the already mentioned 8.000 euro annual Hiring Bonus of the Lazio Region.
For instance, the Italian State has confirmed incentives for 2017 to hire employees over fifty years of age who have been unemployed for at least 12 months; the purpose is to facilitate the integration of individuals who are over fifty and want to return to work.

The requirements to benefit from the reduction of social security contributions are as follows:
– the prospective employee must be at least fifty years of age and must have been unemployed for more than 12 months,
– the employer has to have complied with all payments due to INPS (Italian National Social Security Institution) and INAIL (Italian National Institute for the Prevention of Accidents at Work).
The measure benefits all private employers (including Embassies and Consulates), located in Italy, recruiting workers who meet the above mentioned requirements in 2017.
The incentive also targets part-time workers, but, in this case, the reduction is proportionally smaller.

Duration and amount of the reduction in social security contributions.
The employer can sign either a temporary (12 months maximum) or a permanent employment contract. In the latter case, the incentive lasts 18 months and consists in a 50% reduction of the INPS and INAIL social security contributions charged to the employer, up to € 4,030.00 per year.
After the termination of the temporary employment contract (12 months maximum), if the contract is extended and converted into a permanent employment contract, the employer is entitled to the incentive related to the remaining months, up to the 18th month.

To benefit from the incentive, no application process is required. The reduction in social security contributions will automatically apply at the moment of paying the monthly contributions.
This incentive may not be combined with other incentives related to social security contributions.
Therefore, all private employers, including Embassies, have another opportunity to hire workers without spending too much on social security contributions.

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