To hire a non-EU domestic worker not in possession of a residence permit or residing overseas, the employer must request a work authorisation (valid for 6 months), further to consultation of the so-called “Decreto Flussi” (flows decree) in the Gazzetta Ufficiale (Official Journal), giving the maximum number of non-EU citizens that may be granted a work permit for employees and deadlines for employers for filing the authorisation application.

The employer and his tasks

  • The employer must submit the authorisation application to the Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione (One-stop Shop for Immigration) and follow the procedure, which is completely online at the website of the Interior Ministry (in Italian – registration required). The user is invited to carefully read the specific documentation, e.g. certification of dwelling or that of yearly income, indicated at the Inps website
  • If the application is accepted, the One-stop Shop for Immigration convenes the employer for consignment of the authorisation and signature of the residence contract and sends documentation to the Italian overseas Diplomatic-Consular Representation, which issues the worker – who has requested it – an entry visa

The worker and his tasks

  • Within 8 days of entering Italy, the worker must go to the One-stop Shop to sign the work permit contract and present the residence permit application
  • The One-stop Shop assigns a tax code certificate to the worker
  • The worker will be convened by the Questura (police headquarters) to consign the residence permit

The next steps are the same as the standard procedure for the hiring of Italian and Community domestic workers:

  • sign the employment contract
  • report the engagement to Inps, which will forward relative data to other organisations (Job Centres, Ministry of Employment, Inail and Prefecture)

For further information