Our selected tax advisors:
The tax advisors of Easy Diplomacy are dedicated to providing the highest standard of service and professional excellence in every phase of their activity.
Taxation of individuals
Our tax advisors’ activity focuses on an in-depth analysis of all fiscal issues which involve individuals and, more generally, in the assessment of the level of direct taxation for individuals both if resident in Italy or abroad. Specific attention has also been devoted to the fiscal treatment related to, inter alia, Ambassadors and Diplomatic officers, consuls, consular officers and consular employees of diplomatic and consular missions of foreign Countries accredited to Italy as well as Expatriates, which are involved in a complex tax regime in Italy.
Our tax advisors boast a strong knowledge of issues related to the direct taxation of individuals such as the fiscal aspects connected to Real Estate assets, the incorporation of companies, international tax issues, inheritance and gift tax issues, and all those activities concerning the minimization of the tax level. Our tax advisors also assist in relation to the management, the protection and the legacy issues connected to family assets. In addition the tax advisors’ experience includes the establishment and management of family trusts and family institutions.
Corporate taxation
We provide assistance on a vast range of transactions working on issues such as: national and international VAT, direct and indirect taxation, due diligence and tax compliance, strategic tax planning and tax litigation.
Through an extensive network of foreign tax consultants, based in Europe and worldwide, we provide advice and assistance on the following matters:
- determination of the taxable income of companies based in Italy and abroad
- optimisation of the tax burden of small, medium and large companies
- management and optimisation of the VAT position of companies (including companies operating through e-commerce).
We have also gained significant experience in relation to transfer pricing within groups of companies whose entities are based in Italy and abroad.
International planning
We have acquired a significant experience in advising in relation to the income deriving from international transactions including the activity carried out by Italian companies wishing to expand their activities abroad and by foreign investors looking into investing in Italy.
Our tax advisors are constantly involved in assisting on all fiscal related issues and for the planning of convenient and long lasting investment schemes and more generally suggest the best way forward in order to minimize the tax burden.