When you need to relocate your pet from a country to another, you have to be 100% sure of the reliability and expertise of the mover. Our suppliers are able to take care of relocating your pet all over the world, supported by authorized Pet carriers and doghouses, and to guarantee:
- Deal with a trusted veterinary in Rome for visits, draw blood, certificate of good health and vaccination (flexible timing)
- Export documentation from the ASL (Local Health Units or Corporations)
- Carries for dogs and cats at reduced prices.
Do you know that…
- Not every pet is allowed as a cargo. For example, pets with flattened snout are considered at risk for respiratory problems, and many airlines refuse them.
- Must be followed strict regulations on dimensions of a standard carrier for transporting pets, approved by the airplane company.
- Transfer pets as a cargo is very expensive: airlines suggest to book for them as “extra luggage”.