Before activating a utility you should know that there is a regulated market and a deregulated market. In the regulated market prices are established according to oil price trends, in the deregulated market directly by the supplier. After the liberalisations introduced by the EU, it is possible to pass from the regulated market to the deregulated one, and vice versa, even with the same provider.
Furthermore, for some utilities such as electricity, gas and telephone, there are operators working all over Italy. For other utilities, such as refuse collection, there are regional and/or local operators, thus one must contact the Municipality of residence.
Prior to contacting the chosen operator one should obtain any necessary documentation requested during activation of the utility subscription:
- ID document, tax code, address and telephone number of the proprietor
- serial number of meter, and possibly a meter reading
Below are the domestic utilities to be activated and reference operators working all over Italy and/or in Rome: