Rules for registering with Italian NHS for EU citizens vary according to the duration of their stay in Italy (more or less than three months).

Staying for less than three months

All EU citizens staying in Italy for periods of less than 3 months do not have to register with the Italian NHS. Even if they are not registered they are entitled to:

  • emergency care
  • other services against payment of regional charges

EU citizens already in possession of a TEAM card (and registered with the NHS) are entitled to the same healthcare as Italian citizens.

N.B. Registration with the NHS is compulsory only for EU citizens staying for a period of less than three months in possession of a seasonal employment contract.

Staying for longer than three months

EU citizens staying in Italy for periods in excess of 3 months must register with the National Health Service, if:

  • they are subordinate or self-employed workers in Italy
  • they are family members of a subordinated or self-employed worker in Italy
  • they are family members of an Italian citizen
  • they are in possession of a permanent residence permit obtained after residing in Italy for at least 5 years
  • they are unemployed and entered in the unemployment register or enrolled on a vocational training course
  • they hold one of the Community forms: E106, E109 (or E37), E120, E121 (or E33)

To find out more (in Italian):
TEAM card
Healthcare regulations in Italy healthcare in Italy