The notice board is reserved for Easy Diplomacy members who are registered to the portal and allows them to post their notices and read notices published by other Representations or by Easy Diplomacy staff, including, but not limited to: publications of job offers/applications; apartments for rent (small-medium size); sale/purchase of vehicles with diplomatic number plates; cultural events organized by various Diplomatic and Consular Representations. Registered users have access to all notices published and can also publish one or more notices based on the following terms of use.


Sharing your account with other users or transferring it, even temporarily, to other persons. The user account is personal and must be used as such Publishing political propaganda: the notice board cannot be used for advertising political parties or personalities. Posting sales promotions for third party companies. Entering messages containing electronic links of a business nature to ensure that notices do not become a window of propaganda for the business activities present on the internet.


There is a passive form of moderation active on this notice board: as a result, any notices written by users become immediately public and the content is not pre-emptively screened by the administration; however, for improved management of the notice board and notices, said administration can intervene and modify the content of a notice or delete it if it does not respect the rules set out in the regulations. Authors of notices assume full liability for the content entered and made public on the notice board, along with all due consequences. The portal administration can intervene, upon notification, to make messages with content that is in breach of these regulations or the laws in force no longer visible.