Honorary Consulate of NORWAY in Venice Honorary Consulate of NORWAY in Veniceeasyadmin2020-10-27T20:29:50+01:00
Honorary Vice Consulate di SPAIN in Verona Honorary Vice Consulate di SPAIN in Veronaeasyadmin2020-11-01T00:15:27+01:00
Honorary Consulate of PORTUGAL in Venice Honorary Consulate of PORTUGAL in Veniceeasyadmin2020-10-28T12:49:23+01:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of MADAGASCAR in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of MADAGASCAR in Romeeasyadmin2020-10-24T16:23:05+02:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of JORDAN Consular Section of the Embassy of JORDANeasyadmin2020-10-22T14:07:06+02:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of KOREA in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of KOREA in Romeeasyadmin2020-10-24T12:43:08+02:00
Consulate General of ARGENTINA in Milan Consulate General of ARGENTINA in Milaneasyadmin2020-10-17T14:17:09+02:00
Consolato Generale della BOLIVIA a Milano Consolato Generale della BOLIVIA a Milanoeasyadmin2020-10-19T18:41:02+02:00
Consolato Generale di GERMANIA a Milano Consolato Generale di GERMANIA a Milanoeasyadmin2018-08-20T15:35:54+02:00
Consolato Generale di SLOVENIA a Trieste Consolato Generale di SLOVENIA a Triesteeasyadmin2019-07-25T16:56:15+02:00