Consular Section of the Embassy of URUGUAY in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of URUGUAY in Romeeasyadmin2015-11-27T14:28:55+01:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of SWEDEN in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of SWEDEN in Romeeasyadmin2020-11-02T18:39:32+01:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of PAKISTAN in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of PAKISTAN in Romeeasyadmin2020-10-28T00:46:51+01:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of LITHUANIA in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of LITHUANIA in Romeeasyadmin2020-10-23T12:59:05+02:00
Consulate General of UNITED KINGDOM in Milan Consulate General of UNITED KINGDOM in Milaneasyadmin2020-10-30T12:49:37+01:00
Consular Section of the Embassy of DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA in Rome Consular Section of the Embassy of DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA in Romeeasyadmin2015-11-27T13:35:30+01:00
Honorary Consulate of BELGIUM in Ancona Honorary Consulate of BELGIUM in Anconaeasyadmin2020-10-19T11:38:57+02:00
Consolato Generale di BULGARIA a Milano Consolato Generale di BULGARIA a Milanoeasyadmin2015-11-26T12:30:57+01:00
Consolato Generale Onorario di TURCHIA a Ancona Consolato Generale Onorario di TURCHIA a Anconaeasyadmin2020-11-04T15:51:46+01:00
Consolato Onorario di MALTA a Firenze Consolato Onorario di MALTA a Firenzeeasyadmin2020-10-24T16:43:30+02:00